Tips for purchasing

What should you pay attention to when you want to buy a massage chair?

We have listed a number of useful questions for you, so that you know exactly what to look out for when you decide to purchase a massage chair.

1. Is it wise to buy a massage chair online?

With the right advice, it is fairly safe to buy a massage chair online.
Make sure you are well informed before you decide to place your order. There are a number of aspects that you should pay close attention to, which are further explained below.
Although purchasing a massage chair online is fairly safe, we recommend that you test the chair if you have the opportunity. This way you will see exactly what a massage chair can do and you will experience which massage chair suits you best.

2. How do you make sure you find the right massage chair?

Are you looking for a massage chair but are not sure what to look for? It is therefore wise to be well informed about the chair in advance.
For expert advice you can therefore contact one of our employees or visit one of our showrooms.

3. What do you want the massage chair to do for you?

Everyone has a different reason to buy a massage chair. Some are looking for relaxation, while others are looking for a massage chair that effectively addresses the back pain. It is therefore good to see what a massage chair can do for you.
Massage chairs come in many shapes and sizes and nowadays the massage chair can do much more than just provide a good massage.
For example, if you are looking for relaxation then you will find a set of integrated speakers on the more modern massage chairs, so that you can listen to your favorite music via Bluetooth from your phone.
It is therefore a good decision to indicate for what purpose you are going to use the massage chair, when choosing a massage chair.
Contact a specialist for advice and recommendations.

4. What is your budget?

Massage chairs come in different shapes and sizes and the prices of a massage chair can therefore vary greatly. Find a price level that you feel comfortable with before looking at the different models. Ask for our pricelist as a reference.

5. Where will the massage chair be placed?

It is wise to think in advance where the massage chair will be placed. Most people put their chairs in the living room, bedroom or home office.
Does your room offer enough space for a massage chair? Most massage chair will extend during the massage session. It is therefore wise to inquire information about the dimensions of the massage chair in the starting position and the position in which the massage chair is fully extended.
Ask for the sizes of the massage chairs at our specialist.

6. Who will use the chair?

It is good to consider who will use the massage chair.
Is the chair for you alone, or do you have other family members who will also use the massage chair? Each user has different requirements. What is perceived as pleasant for one person may feel a lot less pleasant for another. Testing the massage chair together in one of our showrooms can provide a solution in that case.

7. How is the chair delivered to you?

Many massage chairs need to be pre-assembled, but by no means all massage chair providers will do this for you. Often the massage chair is delivered to your home in the box.
In almost all European countries our skilled delivery service will take care of the delivery and installation of your chair and best of all it’s completely free of charge.
Please contact us to see how we arrange the delivery and installation in your country.

8. Where can you test the massage chairs?

Now the most important question, where can the massage chairs be tested? We have showrooms in different countries such as United Kingdom, France, The Netherlands, Spain, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. Please contact us for more details.

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